Mousograph Header with a Reggae mouse and a gardener mouse standing in front.

Cartoons to Make Your Day


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May 9: New Post “British Emergency”

Great News:

I will have a Mousographs stall at the coming LebensKunstMarkt festival
in Remagen, June 15 & 16!
If you’re in the area, don’t miss it.

One Shoe for All: Mouse kids are using a high-heeled shoe as a slide.

Get all the fun and check out my new mousographs 

Mousographs behind the scenes: Curious mouse peering through gap in a fence.

Look behind the scenes and read a word or two
about this and that.

A mousographs lawyer

For the legal stuff,
scroll to the bottom of the page.

Welcome to my Wacky World of Mice!

“Mousographs” is a brand new picture series about the joys and challenges of life seen with a rodent’s eye. Spilling a little acid on your shoes as you’re walking by, but chiefly meant to give you a break and make your day.

You will find heroes, kool kids, ladies & gents, desaster, history, art, philosophy, cringe & pride, some amount of rodent nudity, and so many other things you simply can’t afford to miss.

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Mousographs Home 2 bunt blank environ small

Like in a ballet, the lines and colors try to show emotion by the way the characters move, rather than by facial expressions (oh my, no faces!), there’s just so much detail as seems necessary to make a point or tell a story.

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Mousographs Home 4 bunt blank environ small

This site is designed as a showcase, it is not a shop (although I may eventually consider offering greeting cards, posters, etc. for sale, if there is sufficient demand).

I will try to add a new mousograph every other day, so if you like what you see, keep checking back, spread the word, and let me have your likes and comments.

Thank you so much,



P.S.: I know that websites don’t have dedications like books do, but I don’t care.
Therefore this website is dedicated to Heike, Joku & Lily, to Diana of Canada, to Greg of Australia, and to all those friends who generously supported my project with their laughs & more.

Mousographs deal with just about everything that might come your way. Here's a small selection of themes. In my blog, you can browse the pictures chronologically, filter the content by selecting tags, or by entering search words.

Mousographs #173 Elevator Showdown

Common sense is not their cup of tea. But we adore them, because they do what we can’t or what we don’t have the guts to do.  They are people who admirably raise their butts from the sofa. Some of them prefer post-mortem statues to having a spouse, kids, a dog, and a home with a pool.
Others do not seek fame and glory but go about their chosen duties in silence, very modestly saving the world a thousand times while the media are occupied with a new cellphone or someone’s cleavage.

Mousographs #20 For the Love of Cake

Ladies & Gentlemen

Some people say that ladies and gents might be much happier if kept apart, but most people don’t, and they have a big word to strengthen their position: Love. Of course, you can love your coin collection, but it’s not the same, because your rare dimes won’t hug you back.

While love and sex are strong motivators for communication, they are not the only ones (no, they’re not), because sometimes you just want to say Hi, exchange views about the stockmarket, medieval philosophy, the universe as such, or get a clue who put your shoes to an unknown location.

Any type of communication is a garden full of beautiful flowers with plenty of weeds and dangerous pitfalls in between. Communication between the sexes seems to offer an advanced level with more flowers and more pitfalls. Let’s have a look at some examples.

Mousographs #155 Tyranno-Mommy

Kool Kids

Aren’t they lovely? So cute, so natural and unspoiled, magical and absolutely adorable, opening our hearts and minds to the promises and beauty of life.
– Just a sec, dear, daddy’s writing a text for the internet. –
Children are …
– Hold it, daddy will be with you in a minute! –
Like I said …
– No, put that down! –
Anyway, let’s have a look at the magic of kids.

Mousographs #45 Mousojaws


Watch the news and realize that the world is full of horrors. There’s nothing funny about them, because they are just plain horrible and wrong and outrageous, and my pencil refuses to sing their song.

When I am talking of „desaster“, my reference is to abysses of the mind which can be surprisingly delightful. Why do we like to tickle our imagination by watching Hitchcock’s shower scene, or a mega-shark rising from the deep and approaching the legs of innocent swimmers? Maybe, it’s a bit like whistling in a dark forest, helping us to ignore our own fears and sorrows. If it gets too rough, we can always hide behind the sofa or change the channel. So lean back, grab some popcorn, and check out the funny side of desaster.

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